No Big Deal

It was only online, after all…

“I’m sorry.”

“That’s it, you’re sorry?”

“What more do you want from me? Yes, I screwed up, and I apologized. Can we please just go to bed?”

“You screwed up all right.”

“Oh, c’mon, are you going to blow this all out of proportion? I told you, nothing happened. We exchanged a few e-mails, big deal.”

“E-mails containing naked pictures, so yeah, I’d say it is a big deal.”

“But they didn’t mean anything!”

“So then why’d you send them?”

“Just being stupid, I guess. Listen, I really am sorry. You know I love you.”

“I know. Leave anyway.”

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© 2013 by M.P. Witwer • All rights reserved

All [Bleeped] Up

“That won’t fly.”

“What won’t?” she asked.

“From the third line on,” he replied, reading over her shoulder as she typed. “A story full of obscenities won’t ever win a writing contest.”

Exasperated, she considered how to sanitize her micro-fiction entry, a gritty drama rife with blue language. Then inspiration struck, and she believed her ingenious editing would yield a surefire winner.

“All the profanity’s been bleeped out. What do you think now?”

“Makes it a [bleeped] up piece of [bleep], I’m sorry to say.”

“Oh, what the [bleep] do you know? You’re a [bleeping] accountant!”

~ The [Bleeping] End ~

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© 2013 by M.P. Witwer • All rights reserved